The computer model is a useful tool for coordinating information across the project team. Consultants working in 3D visualize a design much more completely than by drawings alone, and often the best way to coordinate a complicated assembly is to build the structural and mechanical systems in the model. We can work with consultants to help them construct their own models, or we can build 3D information from their drawings.

It’s seldom possible, or desirable, to have every contributor to a project use the same computer program. Fabricators and engineers have specialized software, and people are most comfortable using the program they know best. We work with different programs and formats by linking their datafiles via spreadsheets and scripts, so the design team can continue to be productive with familiar tools and existing design strategies.

Because we understand the technical concerns of consultants and contractors, and are experienced in coordinating the work of diverse teams, we make sure to have complete and correct information from everyone as we proceed, eliminating costly backtracking and design revisions.